Journalist and music critic with decades of experience behind him, Salvatore Esposito has written for historic Italian music magazines such as Jam and FolkBulletin and collaborated with specialized monthly Vinile and authoritative sites such as Ernesto De Pascale’s “Il Popolo del Blues”. Co-author of the volumes on Bob Dylan and CSN in the Legends series by Editori Riuniti and of “Francesco De Gregori. Quarant’anni di canzoni”. He co-edited the eBook “Viaggio In Italia” for SquiLibri with Ciro De Rosa, and is among the authors of the volume “Ricci i tuoi capelli. Arie e canti popolari di Cannole ” published by Kurumuny Editore. In 2017, he edited the monographic volume “Bob Dylan” for Hopli. Passionate about traditional Italian music and world music, he founded the online in 2009, of which he is editorial director.